Social Vitality: Springtime Journey to Vitality 2021

The pandemic reshaped how many of us view our relationships with ourselves and with the people in our life. Last week, our discussions around nurturing Social Vitality explored how we can learn from the past and move forward with joyful, healthy relationships.  

Some themes that emerged:

  1. Self-first is not selfish. When we think about what changed as a result of COVID, many of us felt that we had more time, space and opportunity to meet our own needs. There was a shared realization that our relationship with ourselves is a primary and foundational relationship. We recognized the stress we were under was being outwardly focused all the time and we committed to creating a new normal that starts with devotion to our own well-being.

    “I’m not going back to the part [before COVID] where I put everyone else’s needs before my own. Where I would second guess myself. I just learned through this whole experience what it can feel like to actually honor yourself and your own body rhythm and your own family, and so I am no longer interested in being pulled in every direction to meet other people’s needs . . . It’s about a mindset shift.”

    “I think this has forced us all to slow down, evaluate what is truly important to us, focus more on self and family. New normal = Self, then family but ALL matter.”

  2. Desire to honor deep connection. Being in our bubbles reinforced how important core relationships are. Many of us got closer to people in our families that we had neglected or taken for granted prior to the pandemic. Simultaneously, because of the constraints the quarantine put on our social lives, many of us are really looking forward to rekindling relationships with people important to us that we sincerely miss.

    “For me I needed this shutdown, to connect to with family and friends on a real meaningful level. to get off the hamster wheel of work, work, sports etc.”

    “I've connected with my wife's family a lot more . . . it was a lot of fun taking time in a year that slowed life down to get to know her circle more, and to really become part of her side of the family . . . Gonna keep nurturing those relationships moving forward!”

    “My mom always said . . . if you have one or two good friends in life, then you are blessed. I taught my children the same thing.”

  3. Being okay with letting go. Some relationships dropped away during the pandemic. For most of us, that was not necessarily different from what happens generally.

    “I think for me, I always think about your friends for season, reasons and a lifetime. You make friends that you have for a season, maybe college, work etc. You aren't in close proximity anymore but you value the relationships. Friends for reasons and a lifetime are those who were brought in your life for a reason and you have a deep connection.”

    “I value all my friendships and the people in my life. When I'm no longer in close proximity with them anymore, I think about them often and whenever I get a chance to reconnect it is very special to me.”

    “My 'best' friends are fluid. I have moved a lot all of my life. I have come to appreciate the people in my life for while they are there.”

  4. Spiritual does not mean solitary. Our Social Vitality can especially be sustained and expanded through spiritual friendships—friendships with life-giving energy and deep, unconditional love and acceptance that appear on our personal spiritual journeys.

    “My spiritual friends [have] helped me value myself and prioritize ME and know I can't make everyone happy.”

    “For me, I learned that I can be emotionally open when I’m struggling. I often have tried to hide my emotions when I’m going through a bad time, and one of my spiritual friends sees right through that kind of façade and points it out, but also lets me open up on my own terms and doesn’t judge me when I do.”

    “I have had the experience that my spiritual friendships have come and gone in seasons over my life . . . I have really come to appreciate the fact that there are people in my life in a season for a reason. They don’t always stay, and sometimes they come back around through the circle, and sometimes they don’t.”

  5. Looking forward to the vaccinated future! Whether we understand it as going back or going forward, many of us expressed huge relief at having been vaccinated and therefore feeling like we can hug again without fearing for our lives. We are excited to be able to be with others in church, in restaurants, at parties, for lifecycle events like weddings and funerals. We're looking forward to the summer and things opening up. Extroverts especially felt this way, but even self-avowed introverts are weary of social isolation and Zoom-only communication. While grateful for electronic communication, we hunger for that in-person, real-time connection.

    “I am making plans to get together with intentional time with friends. Having a 3 hour lunch to TALK, not a 45 minute dine and dash.”

    “Slowly getting back out there... for me that basically means working from the office and visiting families. I am not ready for those things yet, and am hoping we can transition slowly rather than jumping back in all at once.”

    “I was hosting an art group once a week, but then it died off. I plan to start it back up due to responses from the group lately.”

The discussions we had about our Social Vitality and the world around us felt free-flowing and reflective. We dug deep and asked ourselves how we can build relationships with the people in our lives and with ourselves in ways that enhance our vitality, support us, and bring us joy.

If you’re interested in joining us for more conversations during our Springtime Journey to Vitality, register for next week’s webinars!

Want to see more of the conversations from our Social Vitality week? Check out the recordings and slides below:

Monday, May 3, 2021, at 12:00pm CT
Social Vitality During and Post Pandemic with Katthe Wolf
Recordings | Slides

Tuesday, May 4, 2021, at 12:00pm CT 
Friends and Family with Sarita Sashington
Recordings | Slides

Wednesday, May 5, 2021, at 12:00pm CT
Social Vitality and Spiritual Friendships with Alexandra James
Recordings | Slides

Thursday, May 6, 2021, at 12:00pm CT
Reconnecting and Rekindling with Guy Schingoethe
Recordings | Slides

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