Philadelphia Department of Human Services

Be Strong Families has had an ongoing partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Human Services since 2012 as part of integrating the Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors framework into their continuum of child welfare services as part of the Improving Outcomes for Children Intitiative. All DHS staff must take Living the Protective Factors within the first 18 months of service. All 10 Community Umbrella Agencies (CUAs) have robust parent-led Café initiatives and are trained in the full range of Be Strong Families Cafés including all Parent Cafés, Recovering Together Cafés, and Journey to Vitality Cafés. Strengthening Families coordinators at local CUAs offer Living the Protective Factors workshops to clients as well as staff. Be Strong Families currently provides monthly technical assistance / consultation to each CUA to build skills, address challenges, strategize and plan for continued success, overcome barriers, and troubleshoot problems related to implementing Cafés.

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