Stephanie Ceja


Home Based Child Care (HBCC) Coordinator for Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County (California)

BSF National Parent Café Leadership Team Representative
San Jose, CA

Being born and partially raised in the “magic town” of Tecate, BCN Mexico, Stephanie immigrated to the USA along with her mom and brother at age 13. Even though moving from another country was a significant cultural shock, Stephanie is grateful to her mom for giving her the opportunity of a better life. Through all the challenges in her life; from having to leave home at a young age, to being diagnosed with depression as a mom of two while also processing her daughter’s autism diagnosis; Stephanie is grateful to have found her tribe, her family and herself.

Parent Cafés found her in a moment when she was ready to give up and reminded her that it is never too late to start again and to dream big. This empowering feeling has led to multiple opportunities for her and for her family; from now being and employee at the non-profit she volunteered at for three years doing Parent Cafés along other prevention and educational programs to being flown over to Washington D.C. advocate for free, accessible, high-quality education for all; but this is just the beginning of her journey to continue to raise her voice for equity, diversity and inclusion starting from home.

“I heard many people say they do not want to have kids because they didn’t have a good childhood; because their parents had destructive behaviors and trauma they didn’t work through before having them. And that’s exactly why I wanted to have kids, because now I know I want to do the work, and I want others to know, too.”

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