Conversations for Your Thanksgiving Table

Gobble Gobble ya’ll: it’s the time of year again when families get together to eat, drink, watch football and parades, celebrate gratitude, and often, unfortunately … argue! Be Strong Families has a plan for that! See our free resource below: Light-hearted Conversations for Your Thanksgiving Table and tuck into getting to know each other better and appreciate each other more (along with the mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce or whatever your holiday food traditions are).

Do you know what Grandma’s most embarrassing moment was in grade school?

How about Uncle Joe’s story about a snake?

Here are 10 free Questionable Cards to liven up your Thanksgiving Table conversation. Laugh together. Remember why you love these people! Learn things you didn’t know about the people you thought you knew …

Use the cards to get conversation started … or better yet, play the game!


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